
Music Concerts

Congratulations to all of the students and teachers who participated in this year’s Spring Music Concerts! It was magnificent to see the growth, progression, and passion of so many young musicians! Over the course of two weeks, we witnessed hundreds of young artists, each in different parts of their musical and educational journey. However, every single student who got up on stage to perform displayed a beautiful spirit, courage, discipline, passion, and dedication. We could not be prouder of our music students, and the music faculty who encourage, teacher, and inspire them each day!

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For 87 years, Conchita Espinosa Conservatory of the Arts (CEC) has maintained their commitment to the development of young artists. CEC offers students exceptional technical and artistic training within a nurturing environment that allows them to develop into human beings with a deep understanding, appreciation, and respect for the Arts. Enrollment is open to the community and not limited to students from the Academy. Classes are also available for professionals and adults.